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HIST:The Enlightenment (Furst)

Developing a Research Question
Moving from a topic to defining the question that you want your research to answer.
1. Ask questions that help to refine your topic. Try using these prompts:
Topic:  The Montgomery Bus Boycott
What do I know? What don't I know? What do I want to know?
I know that the bus boycott received national attention. I don't know how much this influenced the Civil Rights movement as a whole. How significant was the Montgomery Bus Boycott in shaping the Civil Rights movement as a whole?
Evaluating a Research Question
Research Question:  How significant was the Montgomery Bus Boycott in shaping the Civil Rights movement as a whole?
How strong is this research question? Potential answers
Is it clear and specific? It has specific places and names
Is it unambiguous? *"shaping the movement" is a pretty broad idea - what exactly does this mean?
Is this an arguable point?

*It would be difficult to argue that the integration of the Montgomery buses was not significant in some way. 

*By being more specific in asking how the movement was affected by the bus boycott, my point may be more arguable

* These answers will help to guide and focus continued research