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MS8: Labor Strikes in the Progressive Era

American history - Library Databases

  • American History

    Offers a broad range of topics related to all aspects of American History. Topic pages can be subdivided into sub-topics and accompanied by a selection of reference and primary source material. In addition to related statistical and multimedia sources, sub-topic pages are further dissected into focused areas of study.

  • Biography (Gale in Context)

    Offers reference content on a wide range of historically significant figures to present-day newsmakers, Biographies can be browsed according to topic or searched by name, occupation, location and source. Entries also include magazine and journal articles, primary sources, videos, audio podcasts, and images for varied research.

  • Credo Reference 

    Credo is an easy-to-use tool for research projects and homework. Search in hundreds of encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri, quotations, and subject-specific titles, as well as 200,000+ images and audio files, and nearly 200 videos.

  • Daily Life through History

    In Daily Life through History, students and researchers discover the everyday details about past eras that make historical accounts relevant and meaningful.

  • Defining Moments in US History 

    Highlights 30 defining moments in United States history, such as the Battle of Gettysburg, the Jazz Age and the Attack on Pearl Harbor. Include primary source documents, timelines, biographies, reading lists, glossaries, and photographs.

  • EBSCO eBooks

    This multidisciplinary collection includes more than 200,000 e-books covering a large selection of academic subjects and features e-books from leading publishers and university presses. All e-books are available with unlimited user access, and new titles are added regularly.

  • Encyclopedia Britannica

    Encyclopedia Britannica for high school is a multi-disciplinary reference source that offers encyclopedia articles, primary sources, multimedia, as well as tools to guide you through the research process.

  • Gale eBooks

    A database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research.

  • Middle School (Gale in Context)
  • Milestone Documents

    Over 1,700 primary documents from US and World History (all time periods and regions) -500 document quizzes (multiple choice)-Original commentary and analysis written by a named scholar for many significant documents -350 scholarly overviews, covering frequently researched topics, events, and issues

  • New York Times, Historical 1851 - 2012

    Online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.