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HIST: U.S. History

Topic Guide

Developing a Research Question

  • Ask questions that help to refine your topic. Try using these prompts:

Topic:  The Montgomery Bus Boycott

What do I know? I know that the bus boycott received national attention.
What don't I know? I don't know how much this influenced the Civil Rights movement as a whole.
What do I want to know? How significant was the Montgomery Bus Boycott in shaping the Civil Rights movement nationally?

Evaluating a Research Question

Research Question:  How significant was the Montgomery Bus Boycott in shaping the Civil Rights movement nationally?
  • How strong is this research question?
  • Is it specific?
    Does it have specific names, dates, places etc..?
  • Is it clear?
    Could there be more than one way to interpret the question?
  • Is this an arguable point?
    Could an argument be made against the main idea?