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SCI: Issues in Environmental Science

Course Guide

Intro to the Course

  1. What are our questions/fears about the environment?
    1. Circle practice
  2. What are our values?
  3. Definitions
    1. Environmental science
    2. Environmentalism
    3. Conservation
    4. Preservation
    5. Sustainability
  4. History of the environmental movement
    1. Racism 
    2. Environmental Justice
    3. Environmental Racism
  5. Values check


What can we do to solve these problems? 

Reduce usage

Social change

Innovative solutions

New technologies
New sources


How Can We Communicate These Ideas?

How do we communicate our proposed solution to stakeholders?
Who is our target audience?
What media do we want to use? 
How do we obtain the technical expertise to use this media?
What is the distribution of responsibilities in the group?
Drafts / Iterate / final
Share with stakeholders for feedback
Respond to stakeholders