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MATH: Budgeting Project

Credit Cards: understanding credit & debt


There's a lot of reporting about whether it's better to buy or rent, but who wants to live at home as an adult?  Saving up for your own house or apartment takes a lot of budget planning... let's get started!


IVF and Babies

If you've decided to become a parent, there are things to think about.  For example, sometimes you need fertility treatments (expensive!) or your pregnancy is problematic and you need to take time off work.  And when your child arrives, there are diapers and food and daycare to think about.

Student Loans

Wedding and Honeymoon

Weddings are a huge expense.  While some parents will pay for them, older couples may choose to pay for part (or all) themselves.  Knowing the costs and differences between on-season, off-season, destination and small weddings can help you make better choices.