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MATH: Statistics
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MATH: Statistics
Source Evaluation
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Data Sets and General Statistics
Daily Life
Global Issues
Historical Statistics
US Politics
Milton Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity Statement
US Government Data
General data sites
Pew Research Center
"Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world.
We conduct public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social science research."
We don't have a subscription to this but a good amount of information is available for free.
U.S. Government Open Data
This is an official U.S. government site that has collected statistics on many different topics. Click through or search to find what you need!
City level
A large variety of statistics and data on large and small cities across the US.
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Find and download data on income, employment, unemployment, pay & benefits, etc.
U.S. Census Bureau
Primary agency of the U.S. Federal Statistical System, responsible for producing data about the American people and economy.
Offers both present and historical data sheets, reports, stats, infographics (and a lot more).
County level
County-level data sets
Information from the Economic Research Service.
State level
State Fact Sheets
Provides "information on population, income, poverty, food security, education, employment/unemployment, farm characteristics, farm financial indicators, top commodities, and agricultural exports"
Military spending
SIPRI Military Expenditure Database
Data on global military spending 1947 - 2017.
Think Tanks
American Enterprise Institute
Conservative think tank with primary focus on American government, economics and social welfare.
Heritage Foundation
Public policy research organization with a conservative leaning.
Hoover Institution
A public policy think tank located at Stanford University, with a broadly conservative viewpoint.
Center for American Progress
Conducts research and advocates on economic and social issues, with a liberal viewpoint.
Economic Policy Institute
Conducts research on economic issues, from a liberal viewpoint.
Roosevelt Institute
A liberal think tank that promotes progressive political ideas.
Brookings Institution
A non-partisan political think tank located in Washington D.C.
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
A foreign policy think tank with research centers around the world.
Cato Institute
Libertarian think tank focused primarily on public advocacy and societal influence.
American Policy Directory
A large list of policy agencies and think tanks, from University of Oregon.
Think Tanks
A list of think tanks categorized by political leaning, from the New York Times.
Think Tank Search
Harvard University's search tool can help you find think tanks doing research on your topic.
Historical Statistics