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MATH: Statistics

Historical Statistics

  • Employment Research Data Center (W.E. Upjohn Institute)
    The Upjohn Institute serves as the data repository for many research and evaluation projects sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor. Data from these projects (along with specific information related to the data) and final reports are offered via download at no charge.
  • Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1957
    This bicentennial edition, includes more than 12,500 time series, mostly annual, providing a statistical history of U.S. social, economic, political, and geographic development during periods from 1610 to 1970.
  • Historical Statistics of the United States, Millenial Online Edition
    This is a comprehensive collection of tables with hard-to-find historical statistics. Find stats on workers and immigrants. Also available in print.
  • Publications of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
    Find scanned copies of BLS catalogs that list BLS publications from 1886-1998. Full text of the publications described in the catalogs can be found in U. S. libraries as well as in some historical subscription databases.
  • Social Explorer
    Online research tool designed to provide quick and easy access to modern and historical census data and demographic information. Create fast, intuitive, and illustrative maps and reports to help visually analyze and understand demography and social change throughout history. Site currently includes data from the entire US Census from 1790 to 2000, all annual updates from the American Community Survey to 2008, original Census tract-level estimates for 2006 and 2007, the Religious Congregations and Membership Study from 1980 to 2000, and 2002 Carbon Emissions Data from the Vulcan Project.
  • Statistical Abstract of the United States (U.S. Census Bureau)

    Find a wide range of government-produced statistical tables from 1789-2012. Be sure to look at the tables' footnotes for find the recording agency. After 2013, data published as ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the U.S., listed separately.