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Government & Politics
- The American Presidency Project
One of the most comprehensive collection of web resources on the American presidency, including documents, public papers, executive orders, addresses, press conferences, debates, election data, approval ratings and much more.
- CIA Historical Collection
- Elections and Voting Data Guide: United States (U.S.) and International
Princeton University - Data, statistics, media, and other resources on elections and voting, turnout, campaigns and nominations, electoral administration, and more, both in the United States and internationally.
- FBI Records: the Vault
FBI files on people, organizations, events, from early 20th century to 1990s (Albert Einstein, Al Capone, Eleanor Roosevelt, Marilyn Monroe, Cesar Chavez, POW/MIAs, PETA, SNCC, ESP,Roswell, much more). Released under Freedom of Information Act requests.
- History & Politics Out Loud
Database of "politically significant" audio recordings. Majority of material is from John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon.
- Living room Candidate
Video of presidential campaign commercials 1952-2016
- National Security Archive
Selected declassified documents of the US government on a wide range of subjects: Nuclear History, Middle East, Latin America, Asia, Intelligence and Secrecy, September 11, etc. A valuable collection of primary sources.
- U.S. Government Information: Weekly Roundup (U.C. San Diego)
Updated weekly - includes US government reports, press releases, bills signed into law, hearings etc..