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DIY How To

Organizing notecards, part I

Get organized, part one

Tags and colors help you organize into various subtopics (for example, if you’re studying a person, you might create a subtopic for Family and another for Education). The following information is taken from the Noodletools website.

Using tags

If you’ve ever used a hashtag or labeled your photos, you’ve tagged something.  When tagging your notecards, you’re identifying concepts on each card for easy retrieval later.  Examples include geographic locations, years or time periods, and key concepts. Before you save a notecard, you can add tags that you think may be useful.


To associate a tag with a notecard as you create it, on the Edit notecard screen, simply type the tag into the Tags field on the bottom left. To associate an existing tag with the notecard, simply select the tag from the My tags menu on the bottom right.





Add or remove tags from notecards

There are two ways to add or remove tags:

1. Edit the notecard and change the tags  in the Tags field. 

2. Use the Tags menu above the Notecard Tabletop.

  • First, select the notecards that have the tags you wish to add or remove.
  • Click the Tags menu and select Tags on the menu to display a list of existing tags.
  • If you are removing a tag, look for the tag on the list that has a checkmark next to it and click on it to remove the checkmark.
  • To add a new tag to the notecards, select a tag from the list.

Renaming and deleting tags

Click the Tags menu above the tabletop and click Manage tags to edit a tag or delete tags (removing them from all notecards to which they are currently applied).




Using colors and visual cues

To add color to one or more notecards:

NoodleTools also allows you to add Color and Visual cues to the notecards you create.

1. Select each of the notecards you wish to add or remove a color from.

2. Click the Tags menu above the Tabletop, select Color on the menu, and click on one of the six colors.

3. To remove or replace a color, select the color you want to remove, or select a different color.


Unlike tags, only a single color can be applied to a particular notecard. If you apply the color red to a notecard that already has the color green, the notecard will be changed from green to red. The bird’s-eye-view also displays a colored square, rather than the default gray one.

Visual cues are a set of six predefined visual reminders that can also be added to your notecards: Needs further research, Need help, Incomplete, Original thinking, Important, and Used in paper.


To add visual cues to one or more notecards:

1. First, select each of the notecards you wish to add or remove a visual cue from.

2. Click the Tags menu above the Tabletop, select Cues on the menu, and click on one or more of the six cues.

3. To remove or replace a cue, select the cue you want to remove, or select a different cue.


When applied to the notecards, these visual cues show up as icons on the notecard on the tabletop, calling them to your attention immediately.